Who can join Floridacentral?

Review the requirements to open an account at Floridacentral Credit Union.

Step 1: Determine your eligibility.

You can open an account at Floridacentral Credit Union if you meet one of the following requirements:


You live or work in a Florida county we serve.

These counties are Charlotte, DeSoto, Hillsborough, Lake, Manatee, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, or Sarasota.



You work at a business or organization we serve.

Visit your Human Resources Department to find out if membership in Floridacentral Credit Union is offered to the employees of your organization. If so, they will have all of the necessary forms you need to open your account.



You are related to a Floridacentral member.

You must live in the state of Florida and have an immediate relative that is currently a member of Floridacentral.

Step 2: Open your account.

If you meet one of the requirements listed in Step 1, you can open an account at Floridacentral! Next, you will need to:


Gather your identification documents.

You will need a valid Florida Driver's License or State Identification Card with your current Florida physical address.

NOTE: If you do not have valid Florida identification with your current physical address, or if you are opening an account for a minor or beneficiary of Supplemental Security Income, please see this article about other forms of identification we accept.


Complete a membership application.

Stop by one of our branch locations or visit us online to complete a membership application.


Make your first deposit.

Make an initial $5 deposit to open your Member Share Account.

Then, you can open a savings account and/or checking account too. There is no minimum deposit to open a these accounts.


Experience the Floridacentral Difference

Did you know? When you open an account at Floridacentral, you're not a customer - you're a member and an owner!
So the first account you will need to open is a Member Share Account with a $5 deposit. This is your share in the credit union that gives you access to our products, services, discounts, and other member benefits. From there, you can add additional accounts and services, such as a checking account, credit card, loan, and more.